Can virtual Reality Really Work in the Real world of Corrections, Reentry, and Programming?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
Session Type: Workshop
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) has partnered with New York University and Nsena to develop treatment services for people with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) or opioid involvement. This project will explore the efficacy of virtual reality (VR) treatment and determine whether VR is an effective supplement or alternative to traditional treatment methods when traditional methods are otherwise unavailable. If these technology-based treatment delivery methods prove effective, then, given the low marginal costs of VR, the ODRC and other treatment providers would have a strong rationale for expanding the use of VR to enhance cognitive-behavioral treatment and OUD-related training, especially in regard to reaching isolated populations who might not otherwise have access to treatment. If effective, VR treatment could be a cost-effective method for delivering critical services to populations in need and would mitigate the damaging impact of the opioid crisis among people who do not have access to enough treatment.
Dionne Addison
Program Administrator, OH Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Dr. Jonathan Kulick
Deputy Director of Research and Programs, BetaGov
Jonathan Kulick is a research scholar at New York University, where he advises BetaGov and directs the BJA Swift Certain Fair Resource Center. Both groups work with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction in improving supervision practices, outcomes for justice-involved persons, and public safety. Dr. Kulick is an engineer with two decades experience in policy analysis and management.
Stephanie Starr
Program Administrator, OH Department of Rehabilitation and Correction