
eLearning Series

Electronic Information Sharing for Community Corrections Practitioners & their Jurisdictional I.T.

Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) are critical to a probation/parole agency’s ability to effectively share information electronically with other justice and public safety agencies, but they often are not well understood by those who must implement them. Larger agencies and departments may have onsite information technology (IT) personnel, but many small and medium-sized community corrections entities must rely on a generalist information technologist who serves multiple types of departments within their county or jurisdiction, or, perhaps, they may have to rely solely on their own expertise. This project is targeted to those smaller and medium-sized agencies who likely have less access to new technology information.


The objective of this project is to acquaint community corrections practitioners and their IT coordinators with technology that has been developed to increase the effectiveness of information exchange among justice and public safety partners, and to thus spur the use of the technology within community corrections. This is NOT an advanced technical specifications course! It is designed to provide information to those whose expertise is limited but who wish to begin a knowledge base in this area, and to foster dialogue between community corrections practitioners and their IT coordinators.

Presentation Format

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has awarded a grant to the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) to provide training on XML and GJXDM through a series of audio teleconferences/webcasts. Each audio teleconference/webcast was recorded and may now be viewed in its entirety.

Training in this Series
  1. XML... Why Should I Care?
  2. Real-Life XML Implementation Stories
  3. How Do I Put XML into an RFP?