Panel Track: LGTBQIA+ and Gender Affirmation


Wednesday, August 30, 2023
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Session Type: Special Session

If you’ve ever stumbled in conversation or felt a little unsure of what or what not to say, this presentation is for you. From letter to flags to pronouns, The ABC’s of LGBT will empower you to communicate effortlessly and easily by utilizing simple tips that actually work. Before you know it, you’ll be in the know of all things LGBTQ+!~


Dr. Shannon Whittington
Gender Affirmation Program (GAP) Director, VNS Health

Dr. Shannon Whittington, DNP, RN, CCM, LGBTQ+ Health Certified, is the director of the Gender Affirmation Program at VNSHealth. She educates and coaches clinicians in caring for transgender and nonbinary patients after gender affirmation surgery. Dr. Whittington was awarded the Quality and Innovation Award from the Homecare Association of New York, the LGBTQ Notable Executive Leadership award by Crain’s New York, and the Daisy Award for Outstanding Nurses. Shannon is a bestselling author and a NY City and state lobbyist where she advocates for transgender equality. Her goal is to transform how health care is delivered to the transgender and nonbinary community.