Nonverbal Communication, Officer Safety, and the Emerging Adult Brain


Tuesday, August 29, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Session Type: Workshop

The presentation/workshop session will focus on the importance of nonverbal communication in daily interactions with individuals we supervise within the community. The presentation will focus on the brain science of stress response, as well as key factors in the emerging adult population related to responsivity and communication. Also included is some current research and interesting facts around the impact of social media and emojis on today’s generation and emerging adults. What impact does text messaging and tone effect miscommunication in supervision. Other aspects this presentation touches on include responsivity issues around gender, trauma, substance use, and mental health. The final section ties all the previous sections into a conclusion around stress response and safety.


Marc Kohmetscher
Programs and Services Specialist, NE Supreme Court Office of Probation Administration

Marc Kohmetscher, Alternatives to Incarceration Specialist, Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation - Nebraska. Marc Kohmetscher began his career with Nebraska Probation in 1997 after graduating from the University of Nebraska/Kearney with a BS Degree in Criminal Justice/Psychology. Marc held various positions with probation, starting as an adult and juvenile officer early in his career and then moving into Intensive Supervision Probation. In 2015, he was hired as a Reporting Center Coordinator serving an eight-county area in central Nebraska. In November 2022, he was hired as the Alternatives to Incarceration Specialist with the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation. Marc has been involved in many initiatives over his career including the development of the information management system-NPACS, AC4E-Advanced Coaching 4 Excellence, development team for the reporting center calendar and many other high-level initiatives. He has been a trainer for the Nebraska Probation system since 2001, training a variety of areas including the YLS assessment, case planning, MRT, Field Search, and most recently the AC4E initiative. Marc was a recipient of the 2018 Rising Star Award and the 2018 Recognition for Leadership in Development Award.

Eric Maly
Director of Adult Field Services, NE Supreme Court Office of Probation Administration

Eric began his career working with Emerging Adults in 1999, mentoring young people and helping them build community connections. Between 2002 and 2013, Eric worked in residential group homes, providing programming for immigrant and Deaf/hard of hearing youth. Eric served as the Director of Heartland Aliance’s International Youth Center in Chicago from 2013-2017, and in 2017 became the Chief Programs Officer with the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri, ensuring rural communities had access to healthy food. Eric joined Nebraska Probation in 2019 and currently serves as the Adult Field Services Director, overseeing the implementation of EAJP’s innovative practices with 18-25 year olds in Nebraska.