Intensive Session: Workforce Diversity and Cultural Competence: The Massachusetts Probation Service


Sunday, August 28, 2022
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Session Type: Intensive

The Massachusetts Probation Service views Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as central to its delivery of justice with dignity and speed and it is committed to building a highly-skilled workforce that is diverse, culturally competent and proficient, and committed to providing quality customer service experiences and outcomes.


Pamerson O. Ifill
Deputy Commissioner for Pretrial Services, MA Probation Service/MA Trial Court/Office of Commissioner of Probation

Pamerson Ifill currently serves as the Deputy Commissioner for Pretrial Service with the Massachusetts Probation Services. He is responsible for the implementation of pretrial services within Probation and the Massachusetts Trial Court. In addition to Regional Supervisor of Probation Service he has held several other positions in the MPS. As part of the MPS’s 2016 strategic plan, he worked to develop and enhance Workforce Diversity and cultural competency and proficiency throughout the MPS. In 2017, he founded Cultural Appreciation Week, a celebration of the rich tapestry and diversity of Trial Court employees court users throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.