The Forgotten: Incarcerated Native Women


Wednesday, February 28, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Session Type: Workshop

Women in the prison system tend to be an after-thought, if seen at all. The prison experience as a woman is not comparable to a man’s. Clarity and Mary will be sharing their lived experiences and provide a very unique perspective to the audience. Topics will include: resources available while incarcerated, coming home, staying home and the role of Native traditions and culture in women's reentry. They will have 60 minutes accompanied by a PowerPoint for their presentation; 20 minutes each to share their experience and 15-20 minutes for Q&A with the audience.


Clarity Darrah
H.E.A.L. for Reentry program member, Native American Reentry Services

Clarity Darrah is a member of the Kainai Nation from Canada. She was born and raised in Washington State. As a sister who was formerly incarcerated and has struggled with addiction, does not let that part of her life control the future she envisions. Since Clarity has come home in 2022, she has achieved many of her goals. The most important of those goals is being reunited with her son. She has also successfully completed the preapprenticeship program and is now an apprentice in the Labor’s Union with plans of buying her own home.

Mary Poupart
H.E.A.L. for Reentry program member, Native American Reentry Services

Mary Poupart is a member of the Assiniboine-Sioux, Fort Peck Tribes and Tsawout. She has spent much of her life lost in addiction, in and out of jails and institutions. After landing in prison, decided enough was enough. Mary took advantage of every opportunity to better her life in preparation of coming home and has put that plan into action. She has worked exceptionally hard to create a safe home for her, her children and other children. Today, Mary lives her life in recovery as a mother, sister, grandmother, auntie and friend that the important people in her life need.

Leandru Willie
Program Manager, Native American Reentry Services

Leandru Willie is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and manages the H.EA.L. for Reentry program at Native American Reentry Services. In 2018, Leandru decided to further his education by attending Pierce College to obtain an Associates of Arts degree. Upon completion, he attended Evergreen State College in Olympia for a brief moment before transferring to the University of Washington Tacoma. Leandru is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Law & Policy with a minor in Human Rights. In addition to work and school, Leandru is a full-time dad of two. Fortunately, both kids are out of diapers. In addition to Leandru’s academic accomplishments, he became the first formerly incarcerated person to manage Washington State DOC’s Native American Religious Services program. The unique life experiences Leandru provides is a critical contribution to the work. After battling with drug and alcohol addiction for much of his life, Leandru now aims to inspire others to not let their criminal history dictate the rest of their lives. While incarcerated, he was reintroduced to the sweat lodge through the Iron House Medicine program, which he would later come to manage. He developed a system of support that strengthened his transition back to the community. Now he is in a position to help others as they come home and believes in helping those that are willing to help themselves.