From Fight or Flight to Calm and Relaxed: Mind-Body Skills for Community Corrections


Tuesday, August 30, 2022
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Session Type: Workshop

Chronic stress, vicarious trauma, critical incidents – people who work in the field of community corrections face a barrage of threats to their wellbeing. The upheaval caused by the pandemic, exposure to community crises, and struggles in our personal lives have added to the ongoing stressors of a demanding career. How can we care for ourselves in the face of all these ordeals?  In this interactive workshop, you will practice a selection of mind-body skills that will help to ease the body’s fight-or-flight and chronic stress responses and regain a sense of calm, relaxation, and even joy. We use the community resilience model developed by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Our goal is to provide you with some easy-to-use mindfulness tools to add to your toolbox, and our hope is that you can experience more balance and satisfaction in the many facets of your life.


Dayla Fillmore
POIII, Sonoma County Probation

Dayla Filllmore is a facilitator and employed by the Sonoma County Probation Department and has been teaching Mind-Body Skills Groups to Probation Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies since early 2020. She is active in the Department’s Committee for Resilience and Employee Wellbeing (CREW)/Peer Support Team. Dayla Fillmore has worked in Probation for 14 years, currently as Supervisor of a Pretrial Services Unit. Previously, as a Probation Officer, she worked at the Day Reporting Center teaching Cognitive Behavioral Interventions and Aggression Replacement Training to adults. Before that, Dayla worked with juveniles, focusing on programming, and promoting positive behavior change.

Alison Lobb
Program Planning & Evaluation Analyst, Sonoma County Probation

Alison Lobb is a facilitator and employed by the Sonoma County Probation Department and has been teaching Mind-Body Skills Groups to Probation Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies since early 2020. She is active in the Department’s Committee for Resilience and Employee Wellbeing (CREW)/Peer Support Team. Alison Lobb is a 5-year member of the Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Team. She spent 13-years as a volunteer law enforcement chaplain and hospital chaplain and volunteers to co-facilitate Alternatives to Violence Project workshops with inmates at Folsom Prison. Alison is a certified facilitator of mind/body skills groups and workshops.

Ermelinda Miramontes
Deputy Probation Officer, Sonoma County Probation

Ermelinda Miramontes is a facilitator and employed by the Sonoma County Probation Department and has been teaching Mind-Body Skills Groups to Probation Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies since early 2020. She is active in the Department’s Committee for Resilience and Employee Wellbeing (CREW)/Peer Support Team. Ermelinda Miramontes has worked in Probation for 18 years. She is a bilingual-bicultural officer, who has covered several positions in the Juvenile Probation Division. She has a BA Degree in Psychology, a MA Degree in Counseling Psychology, and received the APPA’s Scotia Knouff Line Officer of the Year Award in 2021.