Functional Feedback: Coaching to Success


Tuesday, August 24, 2021
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Session Type: Workshop

Effective training hinges on clear and functional feedback. Decades of research on adult learning has exposed several core truths to how we acquire and retain new skills. This workshop will look at these lessons through the lens of coaching staff, with an emphasis on training related to high impact skills. We’ll break down coaching through a series of activities that will give attendees the chance to practice and analysis coaching around topics like communication skills, cognitive behavior intervention, and situational control. Attendees should be prepared to participate in fast-paced group activities with live feedback. By the end of the session, students will be prepared to apply these skills at their home agencies.


Mr. Chris H. Enquist
Training Coordinator, Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training

Chris currently coordinates the statewide academy for parole and probation officers in the State of Oregon. Prior to working at DPSST he worked as a parole officer at two county agencies in Oregon, supervising a crossover caseload of domestic violence and sexual offenders. He is dedicated to the constant pursuit of a more effective, safe, and transparent criminal justice system.