Put Me In (To) Coach: Building Group Facilitators in Community Supervision


Monday, August 29, 2022
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Session Type: Workshop

Community supervision officers, particularly those who use cognitive-behavioral interventions, play much more of a life coach role than most individuals who may adopt this title. That said, there is often much these individuals must learn which goes beyond standard training related to EBPs. The purpose of this workshop will be to introduce the lessons learned while creating and delivering an innovative open CBI group pioneered within the state of Nebraska. Topics discussed will include the methods for supporting community supervision coaches as far as implementation of groups, addressing training needs for facilitators, communication challenges and solutions, and obtaining data and feedback to build sustainability for facilitators and groups.


Alexandra Adams
PO, NE Board of Parole/Division of Parole Supervision

Julie Micek
Director of Supervision & Services, NE Board of Parole/Division of Parole Supervision

Julie Micek is the Director of Parole for the State of Nebraska. Throughout her career she has worked in a variety of criminal justice settings including prisons and community-based agencies, developing programs, and delivering services. Julie is a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and has conducted trainings and workshops regarding staff self-care, psychological first aid and case planning. Julie is an adjunct professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she teaches in the College of Criminal Justice. Julie holds a master’s degree in Counseling from The University of Concordia, River Forest, IL.

Jennifer Miller
Program and Fiscal Analyst, NE Board of Parole/Division of Parole Supervision