Lessons Learned During the National Institute of Corrections' Project to Validate the Community Corrections Report Card (An RNR-based Agency-level Assessment Tool)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Session Type: Workshop
“… agencies face increasing internal and external pressure to implement evidence-based practices to reduce recidivism.” (Sperber, Fed Prob Journal, Sept 2020). Agency-level evaluations of community corrections agencies are traditionally based on compliance with administrative standards. This workshop will focus on how an agency can evaluate its adherence to the RNR model. Dr. Ralph Serin, Dr. Cristopher Lowenkamp, and Dr. Guy Bourgon created an evaluation process rooted in the RNR model that is public domain and focused on measuring service delivery practices as they relate to RNR. We will review the process used during the 2022 National Institute of Corrections-funded project to examine the usefulness of the Community Corrections Report Card in eight different agencies. We will discuss the activities associated with using the tool and some of the project's general findings.
Brian Colgan
Co-Founder, Praxus
Brian Colgan has worked in community corrections for over three decades in both the county and federal systems. He has worked as an officer, middle manager, and division manager. His experience includes agency-level coordination of the implementation of the Risk, Needs, and Responsivity model; training and coaching staff in the use of Core Correctional Practices; reviewing over a thousand recordings between staff and individuals under supervision (IUS); and creating curriculum used by staff and IUS. He has completed dozens of agency-level evaluations. In 2022, he served as the lead for the Assessor Team in the National Institute of Corrections' project to evaluate the Community Corrections Report Card (CCRC) developed by Drs. Ralph Serin, Chris Lowenkamp, and Guy Bourgon. The CCRC incorporates contemporary research, policy, and practices in community supervision of IUS into a comprehensive public domain evaluation tool. Brian has an M.A. from Northern Arizona University.
Melanie Lowenkamp
Co-Founder, Praxus
Melanie Lowenkamp has worked domestically and internationally training and implementing evidence-based practices for over a decade. She has trained over 2500 corrections professionals in using effective practices to improve communication and to target criminogenic to reduce recidivism. She has reviewed over 10,000 recordings of interactions between trained staff and individuals under supervision (IUS). Melanie has developed professional materials including several curricula for use with pretrial, probation, parole, correctional officers, and treatment staff. Melanie has also developed instructional materials for use with IUS, including worksheets to address skill deficits and address thinking errors. Her training and coaching experience includes working with both frontline staff and leadership in these curriculums: EPICS-II; STARR; IBIS; SAFE-domestic abuse curriculum, T4C, COB, and MI. She has an M.A. in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati.