PGST: The Path/Road to New Beginnings Reentry Programming


Tuesday, February 27, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Session Type: Workshop

súɬ ʔaʔ cə x̣ə́w̕əs sxʷnéʔ (The Path/Road to New Beginnings) In 2015, the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe (PGST) was a recipient of a Second Chance Act (SCA) Adult-Demonstration grant for reentry programming for PGST, Suquamish and other Federally recognized tribal members incarcerated in Kitsap County Jail. These initial grant efforts led to the founding of a Reentry Program that opened community conversations and provider practices about authentic reentry from an Indigenous perspective incorporating risk need assessments, integrated service plans, cognitive behavior therapy, and support in traditional Indigenous ways by recognizing the many barriers Native Nations face in assisting formerly incarcerated in re-engaging with community. With subsequent SCA funding (2018 and 2022) PGST has further developed our reentry programming, súɬ ʔaʔ cə x̣ə́w̕əs sxʷnéʔ (The Path/Road to New Beginnings) with evidence-based modalities fused with Indigenous traditional ways. This workshop will illuminate the development and expansion of a Tribal reentry program that fits the needs of Indigenous communities and works to build success for participants.


Christina Barone
Court Services Director, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

As Director of Court Services for the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Christina Barone leads the strategic direction of the Tribe’s judicial branch and supports its dynamic programs for restorative justice through community building and capacity. Chris is inspired to drive change by advancing knowledge about justice reform and working towards implementing solutions on the ground, ensuring fairness, promoting public safety, and strengthening justice in tribal communities. Chris earned a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the Sorbonne University in France and has extensive experience in grant writing, strength-based social change work, advocacy and community engagement. Chris is currently working on further her education in Indigenous Studies at the Evergreen State College and is a citizen of the (Lenape) Delaware Tribe.

Valarie Jones Ogle
Reentry Case Manager, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

Valarie Jones member of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. She takes pride in her journey on the red road of recovery as she is a person of lived experience. Valarie is the Lead Success Coach/Case Manager for Port Gambles Recovery homes, Success Coach for the Re-Entry Program. Valarie is certified in Recovery Coaching, Trauma Informed Care, NWI Healthy Relationships, White Bison Medicine Wheel of the 12 steps, Warrior Down, Correctional Assessments for Intervention Systems, Mental Health Firs Aid USA. She has a passion for the Second Chance Act, due to her lived experience she was a participant in the Port Gamble Re-Entry Program. Upon completion of Re-Entry, she was given the opportunity to work in the Tribes Court Services Program starting out as an assistant and quickly flourished. With her dedication and passion, she worked her way up to the Re-Entry Success Coach to give back and be a helping hand for her community and tribe.

Selina Ramirez
Reentry Program Coordinator, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

Selina Ramirez is a mother of four children and grandmother to two grandbabies; she is also a Tribal Member of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and a person in Recovery of over 6 years. Ramirez is a Re-Entry Coordinator /Success Coach for Road to New Beginnings with the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. She has been working as a Success Coach for about 4 years and Reentry Coordinator a little over a year. Ramirez is certified in Recovery Coaching, Trauma Informed Care, Conflict Resolution, White Bison, Medicine Wheel, Correctional Assessments for Intervention Systems, Peer Recovery Support in Tribal Communities, Neurobiology of Addictions- Beyond the Basics and is a Restorative Circle Practitioner. She sits on the DUI Victims Impact Panel. Throughout Selina’s journey she came across many barriers and obstacles that prevented her from getting out of the cycle of addiction and incarceration. It all changed when she met her Success Coach. She truly believes having that Success Coach working side by side helped her to get where she is today. Selina understands how hard it is to make it and is dedicated to her profession. She believes in providing hope to others that are stuck in addiction and to show them there is a chance and someone cares. She feels very strongly for advocacy for the ones that struggle with barriers.