Weird Science: What Happens When Science Meets the Real World. Oregon's Experience with Adopting The Women's Risk Needs Assessment and Follow Up Norming and Validation, Lessons Learned and What the Fu


Monday, February 27, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Session Type: Workshop

Oregon adopted the Women's Risk Needs Assessment six years ago. Since then we have completed thousands of assessments. Following the guidelines of adopting actuarial risk instruments we validated and normed the tool to our population. The results we're surprising and have provided Oregon a road map for the future utilization of this important Gender Responsive Instrument. This Workshop will discuss Oregon's adoption, utilization and validation of the WRNA, and will provide a roadmap to participants for how to work with the results of norming and validating a tool such as this.


Jeff Hanson
, Oregon Department of Corrections

Jeff Hanson has worked with the Oregon Department of Corrections for 36 years. As a parole and probation officer, institution counselor, intake supervisor, and for the last 20 years has been tasked with operationalizing evidenced based practices. Jeff is an LS/CMI master trainer, WRNA, ODARA, EPICS, Core Correctional Practices, Motivational Interviewing, trauma informed case management, and case management trainer. Jeff has been trained in multiple cognitive curriculums and has provided support and guidance to correctional programs across the state of Oregon.