CANCELED: How Digital Technology is Changing Community Supervision


Wednesday, August 25, 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Session Type: Workshop

Audience will learn about Emerging and Applied Technologies for Community Supervision. Providing examples and a case study of Community Supervision's use of body cameras, using new technologies. New Technologies will include: Body Cameras, Digital Evidence Management, Virtual Reality Training, Citizen Portals, Drones, and Artificial Intelligence.


Thomas Herzog
Deputy Commissioner Community Supervision (Retired), The Herzog Group

A 36-year veteran of Corrections and Parole work, Mr. Herzog is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Tom Herzog Consulting, and The Herzog Group, organizations that provide technology and policy advice to Corrections, Community Supervision and Law Enforcement organizations. Mr. Herzog retired in July 2015 as the Deputy Commissioner for the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision where he was responsible for all matters related to the Department’s Community Supervision Division, as well as its Technology, Strategic Planning and Research functions. Mr. Herzog is a past President of the Corrections Technology Association; 21 of his 33 years of public safety experience include a concentration in Corrections and Public Safety Technology. He is the former Chief Information Officer of both the New York State Parole Division and the New York State Department of Correctional Services where he championed and led many technological and operational innovations.

Phil Sellers
Chief Information Officer, GA Department of Community Supervision

Vince Valentine
National Director, Corrections, Axon