2022 Winter Training Institute


The 2022 Winter Training Institute of the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) expects to attract professionals involved in the community corrections -- both adult and juvenile sectors, treatment, and more. These professionals understand the need for information on products and services that enable them to ensure safer communities. By exhibiting at our training institute, you are not only making a strong presence in this growing market, but you are helping to shape the future of our field by providing the tools and resources to meet the needs of today's professionals. There is no better venue than APPA's training institute to share the most current and vital information available on products, services, and technologies! We are "The Network for Community Corrections Professionals" and your offerings to support community corrections is a crucial piece in the public safety puzzle!



What can APPA do for you? Deliver the best networking and sales opportunities for your current and potential customers!

  • Increase Brand Visibility
  • Give You Targeted Marketing
  • Grow Your Consumer Perception
  • Help Meet Sales Goals
  • Efficient Lead Generation
  • Rise Above Your Competitors

Sponsorship is a great means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige, and credibility. In recent years, sponsorship has become the fastest growing type of marketing in the United States. As such, supporting events hosted by APPA means a direct connection to your target audience.

Become a sponsor, and in addition to elevating your profile, your dollars offset costs to bring outstanding training to community corrections professionals and others.

Your partnership is sincerely appreciated...we look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

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