
Product Detail

Guidelines To Gang Reentry

The Guidelines to Gang Reentry CD-ROM provides guidelines and resources specific to working with gang-involved offenders during the three main phases of reentry:

  • The Institutional Phase of Reentry: focuses on what needs to occur with gang-involved offenders’/defendants’ from jail or prison intake to release from secure custody;
  • The Structured Reentry Phase: focuses on how to enhance collaboration among institutional and community corrections staff to transition gang-involved offenders and defendants to the community; and
  • The Community Reintegration Phase: focuses on how community corrections professionals (i.e., parole/probation staff) can assess, prepare case plans, and supervise gang-involved offenders/defendants more effectively.

Cost: The cost of the CD is FREE; however, a fee of $5 will be assessed to cover shipping/handling costs. Limit ONE per order.

Guidelines To Gang Reentry: $
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