Juvember 32, 2020

APPA Probation Fellow Co-authors Lead Article in the Latest Edition of Highway to Justice from the ABA

Over the past 10 years, there has been an increased interest in, and availability of validated DUI specific risk/needs assessment tools. Mark Stodola, Probation Fellow for APPA, and Judge Phyllis McMillan, Judicial Outreach Liaison for the American Bar Association (ABA) have written articles and presented on the various assessment tools designed to assist do assist community supervision in determining the appropriate risk and need levels of impaired drivers. While these tools have proven to be invaluable in informing decision making for community supervision at the pre and post sentencing level, there have also been challenges that impact their successful implementation. The following article highlights these issues while offering practical solutions to maximize their success and lower recidivism to this high-risk population.

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