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APPA Membership

for Individuals

Serve your community. Stand for justice. Connect with others.

Why join APPA?

Individual Membership Benefits
  • A $60 discount on training institute registration.
  • A 20% discount on Relias online training.
  • Access to exclusive communities within APPA Connect, our online forum.
  • 30-day early access to our peer-reviewed e-journal Perspectives, delivered straight to your inbox and available on APPA Connect.
  • Up to 60% off on travel, accommodation, events, shopping, and more with APPA's partners, Member Deals and Engine.
  • Opportunity to run for a board of directors or area representative position.
  • Opportunity to join APPA committees.
  • One vote in APPA elections.

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Download APPA Membership Application

When you become a member of APPA, we can do our best work together – strengthening the role of community corrections services in communities nationwide, and internationally.

Ready to make a deeper impact in your community?

  • I am excited to be a member of the APPA community where we are making a difference in the correctional communities.
  • APPA has provided me a voice and the confidence to move forward in the changing times of community supervision.
  • The biggest value of my membership in APPA is the opportunity to build relationships with my colleagues all over the country, through which I renew my spirit and strengthen my professional purpose.
  • APPA really is a Force for Positive Change. They are helping to shape probation practice in the 21st century.

Join Today!

Membership in APPA is open to any individual.

1-Year $50
The 3-year plan offers the best value! 3-Year $135
Already an APPA member for at least 10 years, served in an APPA leadership role, and have 25 years of experience in community corrections? Lifetime $300
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